Friday 12 March 2010

Everybody Do The Mess Around

I'm writing this tonight under the veil of uncertainty. I do not know what is going to happen tomorrow. I somehow have the feeling that nothing will happen tomorrow. But, theres nothing quite like pent up disappointment to confirm we're still alive, I mean, look at christmas. I'm not explaining myself all to well. So I shall start at the beginning:

For the last week (yes, just a week) I have been talking to a man online. He seems nice enough and everything he has told me seems to be true enough. I have had no reason to doubt him, why should I? But now I'm starting to feel that I am getting messed around. He asked to meet me, I agreed. we set a day, Saturday. A time and a place, still has yet to be confirmed, however half way between him and I seemed like a good idea. Things seemed to have been going well, we have exchanged numbers and sent text messages. Lately however, on this week long time scale, i'm concerned that things are not going to be so. I have texted him three times today. Its been very one sided. No reply. I called him, voice mail, left a message, waited. Nothing. If he does not wish to meet me, then he may as well tell me. But what if he does?

What if? This is the question we ask our selves when we are not happy with the answer presented. What if, something else were to happen, for if it did, we would be able to maintain our balanced outlook on the world. So, my what ifs: Something awful has happened which means he can't get to his phone. His internet is down, possibly due to a power cut or a server going down. The reality? Well, I don't have the answers. Only he does. So I feel messed around. Do I stay up and see if he gets in contact? Should I go to sleep so I have the energy to see him if he chooses to finally reply. I'm not sure. To take him out of the equation I would go to sleep, at least this way I can do what I wish tomorrow. With him or without him. That sounds like a good idea.

But I cant sleep. I feel frustrated. I don't know what is going on and what is happening with things. I just don't know. Sleep. yes, sleep seems like a good idea.

Good night.

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