Friday 28 August 2009


I know this is a topic which I have avoided writing about. I would hate to write a cliche, to compose a piece only for it to hit the fan, therefor I intend to replace the word 'love' with 'hurt'. Not because I'm pessimistic, or because I am hurt or broken, but as I lay in bed this morning, turning ideas over in my head, I realised that such a theory would work. Both Love and Hurt are strong feels which are so opposite, like a line running around the globe, it can be perceived as the furthest apart and then the closest together.

I never realised how much i could hurt someone. I would hurt to be with them, I would hurt just so I could spend time with them. It hurt at first sight. I could feel this feeling inside, I knew at once that it was hurt.

Not long after meeting this person, they said that they too hurt, they too felt the same way, and that we should be together. We soon found that anything we did to each other would be a method to express our hurt. I found that they would feel my hurt, we would talk about it. We would conclude that we had never felt so much hurt before.

At some point in time we hurt so much we just had to move in together. This the right thing to do, however we soon found that the little things they did, that we used to say we hurt for, we now could not stand. We found that our hurt for each other that had brought us together was no longer there. We found that the other was not satisfying. We did not like their habits, things were no longer working between us.

We found what hurt actually was, was lust. The realisation pained us.

It was not until some time after I realised that all the way through, our love just hurt. So why do we put ourselves through it? Are we just masochistic? Or is what we are told when our first pet dies actually true? Is it really better to have loved then lost, then never to have loved at all? Is it better? I expect not, however I know that this will not be the last time I fall into the bordeaux tinted emotion which is the colour of passion, emotion, pain and happiness, which best describes both Love and Hurt.

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