Monday 3 August 2009


And on this day, this blog was formed.

Today started like any other day of late. Awoken by my own desire to wake, around 9 am. The outlook was dull. Dull clouds, protecting the world like a teacher over her pupils; saving us from the horrors of the outside world, yet fully capable of throwing over us a predicament which we would rather not be in, yet we have no control over it either way. Hopefully you won't have analyzed me already, as someone who thoroughly did not enjoy school. School was mediocre, like British weather. Unbearable for the majority of it, but with sunny spells mid afternoon. Today is not a school day. I have finished school days. As for the weather; it hasn't rained yet either. Things should be looking up.

I sat in bed, read a book until my back hurt under the strain of holding a stress position for so many chapters and then decided to see what was available to nourish a rather empty belly. Again, no thrills. Beans on toast. Ill leave out the recipe to add to the risk factor and build the excitement. However, I was feeling a little bit racy and indulged in a sneeze of pepper.

Having consumed my fill, I decided I really should tame a beast, one which even the boldest of hair dresses would cower at. Against hot irons and a spiked brush I tamed the hair to a modest feature upon my head. Dressed and ready to depart, I left the house via the back door and walked the slope to town.

Going to town is quite the anticlimax, the thrills and mystery that 'town' provides is rather quickly smothered by the likes of Savers, Superdrugs, Tescos, Thorntons and your left feeling rather disheartened. After a a warm, syrupy Vanilla Iced Frappe I question myself as to the hope this island has for the future and I welcome the change - anything is better then this.

Back up the hill to one of my residences, three boys pass me on their bikes. Hands flung wide, the drone of a plane engine as they imitate taking to the skies. Another kid, sat drinking a milkshake the cafe 'Throthys' (yes, the name does make you believe that someone has most likely yaked up a good hunk of phlegm and deposited it in your drink) shouts at them 'Gay Boys!' (which I imagine is capitalized for this child did seem to be under the impression that this was the noun given to represent the thee youths). It was at this comment, one not directed at me - for a change - but it got to me. This sort of eternal doubt where no matter how much I big-myself-up so to speak, that the whole of homosexuality is wrong.

Needless to say, I returned home and with this thought, very current in my mind, I decided to share it. Where shall I share it? I though to myself. In a blog, replied my internal dialogue. So here it is. The makings of this blog have started.

It is here, I give to you the ending. This is the end of my first Blog.

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