Thursday 24 November 2011

A magic pill

What happens if you take a pill and hope that it solves all your problems? What happens if it solves them but creates a whole host of other issues? Is it ever possible to find a solution to everything, or is that just a too big a pill to swallow?

I feel that with one thing I find a cure to, another alement will follow. This is not to say that the whole world is against me or that my issues are worse then others, because they are not. But, as a very valued friend said to me, it does not matter how your problems compare to another persons, what is important is that those problems are yours and thus they are important to you.

My issue is that I feel that I'm self medicating, finding my own remedies to lifes issues, but when they work, I feel there is a whole list of side effects which I had not anticipated which suddenly need treating. I feel stuck in the oppositional area where do I reverse the original solution to remove the side effects, but in doing so, I land myself in the original problem. Is this a case of one step forward, two steps back?

I wish that things were simple and had some direction which would be a clear path to follow; an NHS yes/no chart to diagnosis. There isn't. And if there was, I would most likely be told to ask the help of my GP, for the world or good that is likely to do. Where is the cure all which will heel a broken heart, stitch close a wound and drive the body to a full recovery? Which branch of life's learning teaches us the alchemy of the pure mind, the biology of the body or the mechanics of the heart? As we all know there is no simple answer, no one area of life can teach how to solve the problems of the soul, without sounding deep. Where is my solution?

Can I take an evening class in the hearts desire, a first aid lesson in avoiding damage or an open university class in avoiding people and their baggage? At what stage does one become equiped to live a happy healthy lifestyle which is not about to be roused to conflict by petty influences whose judgment we hold higher then our self beliefs? When does everything become simple and why is the answer some great secret? Surely the answer to a life which rides an optimistic equilibrium runs on more than whole wheat, a veggi box selection, a restricted unit intake and 30mins of exercise a day! Surely if it was that simple, everyone would be doing it!

If I roll this idea around inside my head I keep comming back to a memory of a plastic wallet which held life's secrets, blutaced on the kitchen wall. An unlikely place to find the answers but i feel that it may be a starting point. It read:

Work like you don't need the money.
Dance like know one is watching.
Love like you have never been hurt.

I'm not so sure the answer to life's problems can be solved through tap, but I feel that if I can love like I've never been hurt, than I believe that I could be on the right track.

So, there may not be a pill to swallow, but lately, the answer may be found at the base of a bottle; a couple of wine nights have highlighted the value of many things, in the price of good bottle of wine under the cost of £5!

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