Monday 14 November 2011

A house worth £94 a week

Having been infused with positivity recently I am very much aware that time is moving faster and this year is the final sprint of the known world, that is to say, my known world; come June, life as I have known it for the last three years will come to an end and I will have to find something else to whittle away my time. In the spirit of good things coming to an end, I have taken the advice where I should breath in and feel the excitement as apposed to my general view of the world where I should take a deep breath and get over it. In leu of embracing my final year, I decided that this year would not be a year where I would have to live in a petri dish of mould and damp and strove instead to live in the house where dreams are made of!

A fresh start, a new street, a fresh white - off white - house! A sturdy front door, bolted and locked three times to keep out the droughts and not an indicator of potential crime in the area. Windows, bolted closed to prevent damp. A few bricks missing out of the wall is not a structural issue but rather a method of increasing ventilation. Cracks in the walls enable a little more natural light to filter through from outside. Patchwork painted wallpaper improves the natural insulation of the walls, whist a radiator which hangs off the wall allows extra heat to escape out the back. The HotPoint Ice Diamond has been keeping food fresh from the mid eighties, some of which still lingers from the primary installation date. The garden is well overlooked to ensure maximum visibility in this neighbourhood watch area. The stairs are functional, allowing both residents to ascend whist the rungs of the banister descend in pieces on the ground floor. The bathrooms both long and short allow appropriate distance from the rest of the house allowing business to be conducted away from other housemates. The living room houses sofas which are so well made, supports which form the framework of them are so uncomfortable people choose not to sit on them, thus preventing scuff marks on the faux leather seats. The bedrooms are all of a good size. This house is perfect for it's purposes.

Im positive that this house is made with the student in mind. Magnolia throughout provides that institutional feeling which students like to experience at all times. Im also positive that this house is perfect in every single way.

And lastly for my dedicated reader, an extra note of positivity; School and education is the best time of your life. It goes down hill from here. And if this is as good as it gets, you may as well end it now.

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