Friday 3 September 2010

Moving On

It is commonly shared that moving house is one of the most stressful moments in someone's life, somewhere under divorce and the death of someone we love. I suppose however I could scale down my situation, moving from one room to another, 100 miles away, I suppose I did not find it all that stressful.

Well, thats the thing, moving, I am not so sure if that is that stressful, no more so then moving food from the supermarket to your home or delivering a house plant to a new neighbour (not that I received one). I did however find being in a new house, alone, at night the most stressful. The house makes strange noises and the space is something that I am unfamiliar with. There were also strange smells, shut in behind the front door and left to linger for several months since the last tenants departed.

Then there is the whole fear that the mind plays on you. Not that these are totally irrational. I mean, there is a whole world of the unknown surrounding the area that one now finds themselves living in. Is it safe? Is the house likely to be broken into? The high police presence is hardly reassuring considering they returned several times in one day.

After the first night, I think that the morning brings something good, where the natural lights suggests that things are going to be ok. I suppose, like stated in novels, surviving the night is the key point, when the sun rises then the balance of threats seem to move out of favour. Light also spills out onto the rest of the world, and the aim digest the surrounding area becomes more then desirable. Bringing something from the outside into the house I feel gives some control because not only do you take one thing from the outside and control it, also by allowing it into ones home, a level of acceptance occurs and things feel yet again in balance.

So I don't think moving is the stressful event, I think the concept of change to be the most challenging to an individual. Putting this into consideration, I would think Dorothy should have appeared more distressed for her change of situation however our circumstances are a little different. I have however befriended a lion, so I can't be accused of being inconsistent.

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